I think my child needs therapy. Do you think my child needs therapy? How do I know if my child needs therapy? Maybe I need therapy! HELP! Does that sound familiar? These are the types of concerns and questions that I hear from parents every single day. At some point or another, most of us …
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Social Media Etiquette For Parents
Instagram. Twitter. Snapchat. Tik Tok. These days it seems that as soon as you learn the ins and outs of one social media site another one gets introduced as the latest and greatest way for your teens to stay connected with their friends. As overwhelming as it seems, parents of teenagers need to be involved …
5 Unconditional Love Tips 4 Kids
Do your children ever misbehave? Bring home a bad grade? Forget to clean their room? If your kids are anything like mine, I’m sure your answer is yes, yes, and yes! All children behave poorly at one time or another and most do things their parents wish they wouldn’t, mine included. But despite their misbehavior, …
Talking To Your Kids About Suicide
Over the years I’ve had to talk to my children about a topic no parent wants to discuss with their kids. Suicide. As a psychologist, I have a clinical understanding of suicide, but as a parent I know it’s hard to explain to your children why someone would try to take their own life. I …